
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blacksburg Farmers' Market, July 2, 2011

      I have been wanting to share these pictures with family and friends back in Alabama for a while to kind of show you a little more of where we live. And for those of you that live here and have not been to the Blacksburg Farmers' Market you should definitely go! There are lots of cool things to see, sample, and buy.

Like this guy! You can watch him make his pottery-- and he would love to talk to you, too!

He explained to us that the pottery needed to dry slowly and the sun was drying it too quickly that day. He was placing his finished pieces under his car to keep them cool and damp.

Here is what his pottery looks like when it's completely finished!

I love him :)

Here are some of the booths set up under the pavilion. Most people sell fresh produce, but you can also find baked goods, fresh meat, and fresh eggs. I love this place!

Here is a view of the pavilion. 

These nice people sell baked goods... Adam and I bought a chocolate chip macaroon to split and it was very delicious.

Look! They are almost gone!

They also sold lemonade in cool glass bottles.

I think they had the most picture friendly and eye-catching booth at the Farmers' Market that day. It had a great country/vintage vibe-- my fave!

See the lady on the left? She makes the most beautiful bouquets to sell. 

Look how pretty! I want one! :) maybe next time.

This lovely gentleman sold us some very yummy goat cheese and fresh butter.

He had samples for us to try... Adam fell in love with the flavored goat cheese.

and I HAD TO HAVE this butter.

Here is another booth that we bought bread at. You see the far left basket? We bought that last loaf of flax seed bread and it was amazing! I had never had such good, chewy, flavorful bread before. The best way to eat it was with butter... fresh butter :)

The lady that sold the bread also sold granola, little boxes of dessert, and flour that she ground herself. I wanted her to be in the picture (she was presh!) but she said she'd rather not. Well at least you get to see her lovely booth!

The Blacksburg Farmers' Market is a really neat and fun place to go. I LOVE going there!

Hope you enjoyed reading more about where Adam and I live :) Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Hope to be able to visit next time I'm there. By the way, the bread and blueberries that you brought me for my birthday were delicious!!!!!
    Love you
