
Things You Might be Wondering

What type of camera do you use?
I use a Canon EOS 60D. My parents, that ROCK!, bought it for me as a birthday/college graduation present this year. I have NO CLUE how to use it. Seriously. I am learning how to take pictures by trial and error-- mostly error. I am wanting to take a photography class sometime in the future. The future where we have more money :) yeah, that'll be a while.

How long have you been married? When did you and your husband start dating?
My husband and I got married May 29, 2011. Not very long ago! We started dating my freshman year of college (ok, ok. I know the exact date. It was September 6, 2007. Best day ever!)

How old are your dogs?
Rammer is 5 and Rosie is 1 1/2.

What brand flour, sugar, vanilla, etc. do you use for baking?
I wrote a post about this very question! Click here to read it: Baking Preferences.